About me

Hi I'm Kenny Cheng! Welcome to my page.

I am a full-stack software developer who is passionate about learning how to connect people and providing users a fulfilling and intuitive frontend experience.

My thrive and drive as a professional revolves around helping people succeed. I’m determined in building genuine relationships, learning about their passions, and turning them into scalable targets that motivates them for success.

When I'm not flexing my coding fingers, you can find me outside hiking up overly-sized hills and capturing amazing landscape photos and vitamin-D.

If you're interested in coding, helping others, or being outdoors.
Let's connect! You can reach me at kcheng16@gmail.com or here


Here are some fun projects I've built!
All my projects emphasizes supporting or connecting people together.


Dog-sitting booking application, inspired full-stack clone of AirBnB, allowing users to explore homes in various cities, become a host, and review their experiences.


A project and collaboration management tool where users can advertise their developing project, request other experts to join, and set new goals.


'CHO', known in the nutrition world as a carb. Build-CHO-Plate is an interactive game exploring fundamentals of carbohydrate counting for diabetic management.

Work Experience

English Teacher

(December 2018 - January 2020)

International Language Academy | Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Dietetic Technician

(December 2015 - February 2018)

Santa Clara Valley Medical Center | Santa Clara, CA


(July 2010-September 2013)

Corinthian International Parking Services | San Jose, CA



School Program Year
Full-stack software engineering program 2021
Certification in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages 2018
B.S. Clinical Nutrition 2013 - 2015